think positive

To think positive always been difficult especially with the full environment of deception and cunning. therefore I want to share a beautiful story of a man who was always so positive that Pygmalion - The Wood Carvers

Hopefully with this story, we are sure to beneficial positive thinking in our everyday life and say to yourself "I'm going to be positive-minded man in any situation!"

example: Pygmalion was a talented young man sculpturing. He was really good at sculpting. Hand carved works really good. But not the skill to make it known and loved friends and neighbors.

Pygmalion known as someone who likes to think positive. He looked at everything from a good angle.

* If the muddy field in the middle of the city, the people cerewet.Tetapi Pygmalion said, "Fortunately, the other field is not muddy."
* When there is a statue buyers insist bargain-bargain, Pygmalion comrades whispered, "Stingy true man." But Pygmalion said, "Perhaps it is necessary to spend money on something else that is necessary".

* When children steal apples in his garden, Pygmalion was not cursing. He even felt pity, "Poor, children's lack of education and enough food at home."

That pattern of view of Pygmalion. He does not look a bad situation in terms, but rather in terms of both. He never thinks ill of others; on the contrary, he tries to imagine good things behind the misdeeds of others.

One day Pygmalion carves a wooden statue of a woman that is very smooth. The statue was a real human sized. When it was completed, the sculpture looked like humans really. The statue faces the charming sweet smile, beautiful body attractive. Pygmalion comrades said, "Ah, good sebagus- statue, it's just a statue, not your wife." But Pygmalion treat the statue as a human right. Many times the statue stared and stroked. The gods of Mount Olympus is in attention to and appreciate the attitude of Pygmalion, then they decided to give grace to Pygmalion, which transform it into a statue of a human right. Thus, Pygmalion lived happily with his wife, who is reputedly the most beautiful woman in the whole country of Greece.

Pygmalion name is remembered to this day to describe the impact of the pattern of positive thinking. If we think positively about a situation or person, often the result actually be positive.

For example,
* If we are to be friendly to someone, then he falls will be friendly towards us.
* If we treat our children as a bright child, he finally truly become intelligent.
* If we believe that our efforts will be successful, immense possibilities can attempt is half success.

The impact of positive thinking pattern is called the Pygmalion effect.
Our minds do often have an impact fulfilling prophecy or prediction is fulfilled, both positive and negative.
* If we consider our neighbors bitchy so we do not want to hang out with him, then finally he became really bitchy.
* If we suspect and assume our children are not honest, he finally really be dishonest.
* If we were desperate and felt unable at the start of a business, the chances of us actually will fail.

Pygmalion mindset is thinking, guessing and hoping just good about a situation or person. Imagine, how big impact if we are positive minded like that.
We would not be prejudiced about others. We do not gossip about bad rumors about other people. We do not speculate about other people's evil.

* If we think badly about others, there's always material to suspect things are bad. If a friend gives to us, obviously it was a good deed. But if we think bad, we would be suspicious, "Perhaps he is trying to persuade," or we grumbled, "Ah, the prize just bargains." Loss of such a mindset is ourselves. We become suspicious. We become unhappy.

Conversely, if we think positively, we will enjoy the gift with joy and gratitude, "He was so generous. Though he is busy, he is remembered for giving to us."

The color of life is dependent on the color of the glasses we wear.

* If we wear glasses gray, everything would look gray. Life became gray and bleak. But if we wear glasses that light, everything will seem brighter. Glass eyes are prejudiced or hate will make our lives full of suspicion and resentment. But a peaceful glasses will make our lives peaceful.

Life would be better if we view it in terms of good. Think good about yourself. Thinking well of others. Good thinking about the state. Think well of God.

Impact thought it would be good as we feel. Family gets warm. Friend can be trusted. Neighbors became familiar. Work becomes fun. The world became friendly. Life becomes beautiful. Like Pygmalion, that's how.

I'm sorry for the English language in this story is a mess, because this is from google translate

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